+420 211 151 657helpdesk@insoft.czflag of the United States

Communication channels

Service requests and incidents can be entered in one of the following ways.
  • E-mail helpdesk@insoft.czonly from an authorized e-mail address
  • Phone +420 211 151 657 –only from authorized phone numbers
  • Website helpdesk.insoft.cz after logging in with customer data


Unless otherwise agreed, the entered incidents/requests are assigned to one of the following categories as a task (ticket):

A – Critical

Malfunctions, errors or defects that cause operational problems and make it impossible to use the systems for the purpose for which they are intended. For example, if it is not possible to call from all phones, if the user or administrator environment is not available, if calls are not being recorded, etc.

B – Restrictive

Less serious malfunctions, errors, defects or differences that functionally limit the capacity or use of the systems for the purpose for which they are intended. For example, if the phone or login of a specific user does not work, if marketing announcements are not being played, etc.

C – Other

Other errors, defects or variations that do little or nothing to restrict the use and enjoyment of the system for the purpose for which it is intended, but are not consistent with the proper function of the system. For example, an error in a line name, a missing contact in the directory, etc.

Change requests

Requirements for changing the configuration and expanding the system or functionality. If a framework contract is not concluded, then these requirements are processed as inquiries for which an offer is made. They are implemented only after acceptance of the offer, according to the agreed procedure (e.g. order).

The service requirements also include possible support in solving software phone faults on the computers of the customer's employees. If it is not a defect in the server part of the softphone, which is an integral part of UCS, then the IT department or the supplier of IT services for managing workstations is fully responsible for solving the problems. This fact is due to the fact that the configuration and management of the firewall, anti-virus program, VPN, access rights to audio devices, domain policies and web browsers is fully under the responsibility of the customer's IT department/suppliers.

Task statuses

Unless otherwise agreed, the task goes through the following states:

StateSLA is runningDescription
New✔️The request has been accepted
In progress✔️The request is being handled by a technician
More infoAwaiting additional information from the customer
PostponedWaiting for a third-party fix, or an opportunity to deploy a fix on our end
To verifyPending customer acceptance
ClosedThe request is resolved

Task evaluation

When closing a task, the following flags are set in addition to the text description of the solution:

  • UCS fault
  • Fault elsewhere
  • Change settings
  • New functionality
  • Consultation
  • Mistake

Level of service provision

Response time

Reaction time is the maximum potential time between the customer’s submission of a service request and the beginning of the specialist’s work to address the problem.

Fix time

Resolution time is the maximum time between the receipt of a service request and the resolution of the problem or the deployment of a temporary fix to restore system functionality.

Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

On weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding weekends and public holidays. Response time and fix time are calculated only during open hours. (E.g., the fix time for a defect reported on Friday at 5:00 p.m. and resolved on Monday at 9:00 a.m. would be 2 hours.)


Round-the-clock support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and public holidays.

Service hours

The service hours needed to analyze and resolve defects are included in the price of individual SLAs. Changes to settings, program modifications, consultations, etc. cannot be claimed within the SLA price (even if no faults occur during the month).


Availability is defined as the period during which no category A incident was registered in a given month during the provision of service assurance. The following formula is used for the calculation, where Ts is the time during which the service should have been available and Tn is the time during which the service was unavailable (the duration of the category A incident):

dostupnost[%] = ((Ts - Tn)/Ts) * 100

In the event of non-compliance with the availability of the service, the right to a discount of the monthly SLA amount is created 20 % for each missed "nine".

Real availability:< 99,99 %< 99,9 %< 99 %< 90 %
guaranteed 99 %20 %40 %
guaranteed 99,9 %20 %40 %60 %
guaranteed 99,99 %20 %40 %60 %80 %

Remote Access

To receive service support, clients must provide remote access to the managed systems via the internet using SSH and HTTPS from 2 defined IP addresses of the monitoring workplace or using Site-to-Site VPN (IPsec or OpenVPN, authentication using certificates or PSK).

If a dial-in VPN connection is required, the monthly price increases by:

  • 2 000 Kč – password or SMS OTP authentication, or
  • 4 000 Kč – authentication using a token or other physical device

In addition to the above, the monthly prices are further increased by:

  • 4 000 Kč – The VPN only works from a Windows environment or other proprietary device, and
  • 8 000 Kč – if necessary, access through the remote desktop