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Call processing

Unlimited number of SIP trunks, including support for registration to the provider's serverinfoSIP registrar
Multitenant supportinfoPossibility of identical extension in different PBX partitions - partitioning.
Unlimited number of simultaneous callsinfoAbility to set an administrative limit on the number of simultaneous calls for different parts of the PBX.
Routing of incoming calls based on the number called and the number of the caller
Calling privilegesinfoDefining ranges of phone numbers that individual phones/users can call.
Blocking of unwanted callsinfoBlacklists and whitelists based on the number of the caller and the called number. Possibility of further processing of blocked calls (e.g. replaying the message, forwarding).
Option to limit the maximum length of callsinfoPer day, per month and based on price.
Time-based routing of incoming callsinfoSupport for public holidays, including settings for different countries.
Possibility to choose the language of messages according to the settings of the trunk or telephone line
Call forwarding with distinction between internal and external callsinfoBusy, no answer, permanent, according to login status.
Possibility of forwarding to external numbersinfoIncluding options to set different call permissions for forwarded calls and normal calls.
Temporary and permanent hiding of caller identificationinfoCLIR
Enable/disable additional calls on the line
Differentiation of different types of calls by ring tone
Music support during transfer and waitinginfoOption to set different Music on Hold for individual parts of PBX and CC queues.
Unlimited number and depth of IVR voice menus
Addition of caller and called party names based on global lists
Transferring callsinfoBlind and with consultation
Group ringing of phones
Option to record personalised voice messagesinfoIn WAV or MP3 format, or directly from the phone.
Answering and parking callsinfoCall pickup and call parking, including light indication on the phone button (BLF).
Unlimited number of conference rooms with PIN code lockinginfoOption to request a master PIN to start the conference.
External accessinfoDirect Inward System Access. Allows users to use PBX functions by calling a public telephone number after entering a PIN.
Web softphone using WebRTC technologyinfoGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. If there is a license for an IP phone, then it is possible to alternatively use a web softphone with the same extension number under the same license.
The user can register his/her phone number on any IP phoneinfoOne CC license is required for each phone, which allows multiple users to log in - extension mobility.
Unlimited number of virtual FAXes that allow you to receive and send messagesinfoOne CC license is required for each Virtual FAX.